Baby had her second OGTT today at Children's. Her fasting was 86 and A1C was 5.3. Both numbers the same as three months ago. She was a champ as usual. Her only fussing coming when they were taking the tape off her arm - it was really stuck.
FYI she weighed 44.6 (down .4) and her height was 42.75 (up 3/4 of an inch) so I can't complain.
Afterwards we headed to the zoo where it was a little windy at first but calmed and was very sunny. She passed out in the car on the way home :) It was a good thing the plans to meet up with other local went the way of most Mercury retro plans because we were over a hour late. We were there from 8 until shortly after 1.
I left the camera in the car so pictures will have to wait until later.